Gentle and Accessible Mat Yoga
4-weeks (first 4) | Unavailable
During this course we will learn and practice various seated, reclined and standing yoga
postures. Each class will begin with a short meditation. Sometimes we will be on our
hands and knees. We will move slowly in and out of poses, resting as often as needed.
Please wear comfortable, loose clothing that allows for movement. Participants must be
able to get up and down from the floor. We will work on building strength and flexibility
and on improving our balance. Yoga helps to decrease stress and improve sleep, while
increasing mobility, circulation and concentration. No experience is necessary.
A limited supply of yoga blocks will be provided. Please bring your own if you have them.
A yoga mat is required. They can be purchased at many places, including T.J. Maxx and
HomeGoods. Also, if you have sensitive knees, please bring a cushion or pad.
Dana Lucas
Dana Lucas has been teaching yoga since 2007. She strives to balance the importance of foundation (stability) and alignment while keeping things lighthearted. Her classes are infused with laughter (so important) and a sense of community, where everyone is welcome and encouraged to begin where they are.