Springsteen: His Passions, Patriotism & Politics
6-weeks | Available (Membership Required)
Forty-one years after his epic 12-song Born in the USA album turned Bruce Springsteen
into a rock-and-roll megastar, it is a perfect time to explore how it became the catalyst
unwillingly catapulting him into America’s political discourse. Over six sessions
participants will review and discuss Springsteen’s journey from awkward teen to the
most dynamic live performer of his generation, and how his words, music and
performances project to fans and detractors alike a view of America’s promise that
continually strives to fulfill its reality. Participants will also explore how his journey's
similarity to his fans' is what keeps them coming back after 53 years.
Note: This course was previously offered last semester, Fall 2024. This semester's class adds two weeks more of additional material.
Suggested Reading: Below is a list of source material and a bibliography. None of these
are required reading for the course. Important excerpts will be provided in advance if
helpful to prepare for a subsequent class. Other articles and videos will be suggested
throughout the term when appropriate.
- Born to Run by Bruce Springsteen
- Glory Days by Dave Marsh
- Bruce by Peter Ames Carlin
- Ain't No Sin to Be Glad You're Alive by Eric Alterman
- Springsteen on Broadway - NetFlix
Skip Weisman
Skip Weisman grew up a 30-minute drive north on “Highway 9” from Springsteen's Freehold, NJ hometown. A friend introduced Skip to Bruce's "Born To Run" album at lunch in the high school cafeteria in October 1976. 48 years later Skip has attended 106 live Springsteen performances, with and without the E Street Band, in 10 countries across two continents. Skip moved to Dutchess County in 1994, bringing the Hudson Valley Renegades professional baseball team to the area. He served as team president/CEO for eight seasons. From 2002-2023 Skip was a business coach and professional keynote speaker/workshop presenter, specializing in leadership and workplace communication.