This course is primarily a writer participation and critiquing course with limited presenter
lecturing. Each course participant should bring a 9” x 11” spiral notebook and a writing
implement to every class. The focus in the sessions will be on how fiction is developed
and written. Discussions address character development; contrast between narration
and dialogue; use of metaphors, similes, and irony; and story structure. Participants
write in class, share with the class and experience the effect of feedback from other
writers. Participants typically write outside of class at least forty-five minutes a week.
The course presenter will briefly address the group, after which the writers will
read and share feedback. Participants will write in class in response to the writing
coach’s prompts and suggestions, and thereafter enjoy critiquing from other class
participants. The course emphasis is on furthering the writer's own fiction writing style
while benefiting from the response of other writers. The importance of others’ response
to one’s writing cannot be overstated. Critiques occur only within the class setting.
Writings are not proofed, and sentence, paragraph, and plot are addressed only as
relevant to the story development.