Poetry for Times of Turmoil
4-weeks (last 4) | Unavailable
"In a dark time, the eye begins to see," wrote Theodore Roethke, a poet who reminds us that trying times need not blind us. We can trust poetry, like music, to accompany us as we seek calm, comprehension and courage. We are reassured by eloquent and accessible poets who help "the eye begin to see." In this course we will share the views of Mary Oliver, Louise Gluck, Stanley Kunitz, Robert Frost and many others who refuse to deny the world's turbulence; instead, they recognize it, illuminate it and confront it as we, too, make our way toward hope. Individual weekly handouts will be provided by the instructor.
Marcy Dolan
Marcy Heidish-Dolan is a cum laude Vassar College alumna. She has taught at Georgetown, Fordham and George Washington Universities. Marcy also is an award-winning, published author of eighteen books, fiction, non-fiction and poetry. She and her husband are longtime residents of Washington, D.C.