Flag of Ukraine

Government of Ukraine

Public domain

Flag of Ukraine.svg Copy

[[File:Flag of Ukraine.svg|Flag_of_Ukraine]]

First use 1848. Last adopted 28 January 1992 ????????? ????????? ???? ??????? «??? ????????? ?????? ???????» ? 20

Ukraine: What is Ukraine Known For?

4-weeks (first 4) | Registration closed 9/1/2024

1:45 PM-3:00 PM EDT on Fri

Ukraine: What is Ukraine Known For?

4-weeks (first 4) | Registration closed 9/1/2024

This is an introductory course aimed not only to provide the basic knowledge of Ukraine, its culture and its brief history, but also to reveal the Seven Wonders of Ukraine and one of the most unique tourist attractions in Ukraine, the so-called “Tunnel of Love”. We will learn about Ukrainian folk arts of embroidery, wood carving, ceramics, egg painting and textiles. This class will not discuss any subjects dealing with the current war.

Gala Leganof

Gala Leganof taught courses in political science at McGill University. She is a graduate of Marist College (B.A.) and McGill University (M.A.).

Rob Cohen

Rob Cohen is a retired technologist/farmer committed to practicing a sustainable lifestyle. He continues to work part-time as a technology consultant focused on helping non-profit organizations leverage technology.