Sex and drugs and rock and roll


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November 3, 2011

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Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll

8-weeks | Registration closed 9/1/2024

11:05 AM-12:20 PM EDT on Fri

Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll

8-weeks | Registration closed 9/1/2024

A conversation about the changes in cultural norms from 1900 to 2024, with particular emphasis on post-WWII, which examines the myriad influences—including industrialization, environmental degradation and improvement, medical advances and challenges, sexual attitudes, and economic status. Looking through the prisms of politics, sports, music, science, and technology, we discuss how these changes have impacted us, in both positive and negative ways, and how they have shaped our psychosocial, physical, economic, and financial well-being.

Gary Quartararo

Gary Quartararo was a high school health educator for 37 years, worked at Adelphi University for 13 years, and is starting his 53rd year as an adjunct professor at Nassau Community College. Gary has also provided guidance for corporate wellness initiatives.


Rob Cohen

Rob Cohen is a retired technologist/farmer committed to practicing a sustainable lifestyle. He continues to work part-time as a technology consultant focused on helping non-profit organizations leverage technology.


Joette Kane