Reenactment of the Battle of Brandywine, 2022

R'lyeh Imaging

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Battle of Brandywine 2022 20.jpg Copy

[[File:Battle of Brandywine 2022 20.jpg|Battle_of_Brandywine_2022_20]]

November 9, 2022

4,056 × 2,70

Major Battles of the Revolutionary War

8-weeks | Registration closed 9/1/2024

9:30 AM-10:45 AM EDT on Fri

Major Battles of the Revolutionary War

8-weeks | Registration closed 9/1/2024

With the 250th anniversary of "The Shot Heard & 'Round the World"; coming up in two years, it's appropriate that we step up to covering it all, finally, in detail. With that in mind, we will devote two full semesters that will take us from the treaty that ended the French and Indian War, giving rise to colonists' fears of no further western expansion, to the start of hostilities at Concord and Lexington through to the end of the Revolution. The extra time will permit us to better understand how the fighting tactics differed greatly from North to South. Time permitting, we'll study colonial life in the 18th Century.

  • Suggested Readings: 1776 - by David McCullough; Washington's Crossing - byDavid Hackett Fischer;The Battle for New York - by Barnett Schecter; Washington's General - by Terry Golway; Life of General Daniel Morgan - by James Graham
Bob Ulrich
Robert Ulrich

Bob Ulrich has been a frequent presenter here and at the other area senior learning programs, as well as a guest lecturer at the Mohonk Mountain House and several of our area senior living communities. His focus is on early American history, starting with how the Dutch, not the British, founded America's roots, and has now expanded to a full understanding of the background causes of the Revolutionary War and how, and why, it was fought. His favorite phrase for LLI is simply -- "Don't worry, it won't be on the final!".

Janet Rosdil