Pedro Lastra, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

New York City in Contemporary Poetry

4-weeks (last 4) | Registration closed 9/1/2024

11:05 AM-12:20 PM EDT on Fri

New York City in Contemporary Poetry

4-weeks (last 4) | Registration closed 9/1/2024

From its theatres, bookstores, and museums to its parks, subways, and high rents, New York City has figured as setting and topic in the work of numerous contemporary poets. In this four-week course, we'll look at a few of the many poems featuring this one-of-a-kind metropolis. Likely readings will include work by Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Charles Tomlinson, May Swenson, Edward Field, Elizabeth Bishop, Cornelius Eady, and others.


Judith Saunders

Judith Saunders is Professor of English (Emeritus) at Marist College. A specialist in American literature, she has pursued a long-standing interest in contemporary English-language poetry. Her published commentary includes journal and book articles on the poetry of Howard Moss, Kay Ryan, Gwendolyn Brooks, Billy Collins, Elizabeth Bishop, Charles Tomlinson, Thomas Lux, Stephen Dunn, May Swenson, and others.



Nora Quinlan