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Qigong: The Yellow River Dance

8-weeks | Registration closed 9/1/2024

11:05 AM-12:20 PM EDT on Tue

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Qigong: The Yellow River Dance

8-weeks | Registration closed 9/1/2024

In this course John will teach a beautiful Qigong practice called “The Yellow River Dance.” This dance or form is designed to leave the practitioner with a greater sense of balance and center of gravity - like a tree rooted into the mountain top. The moves are graceful, fluid, and sinuous – like smoke rising from a candle flame. Benefits also include increased energy and greater emotional ease. The course will also include a series of easy stretching and unique breathing exercises.

Suggested Readings: The Five Element Orchard by John C. and Mary Platt. The publication is available from Outskirts Press or Amazon. Note that this book is not required for this course.

John Platt

John Platt has been learning and teaching various Chinese Arts since 1966. In 1991 he began an intense study of Tai Chi Chuan under various teachers, including Shifu Jiang Jian-Ye, and a study of Qigong from Masters Lee Holden and Dr. Yang Jwing Ming. John has taught numerous Qigong programs at the Kripalu Institute in Massachusetts and the Weight Watchers Organization. He is the author of two books: The Five Element Orchard: Energy from Trees and A Toolbox of Energy: 81 Qigong Exercises for Health, Vitality, and Emotional Balance. John currently teaches Qigong and Tai Chi throughout the Hudson Valley.



Linda Cohen