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Exploring the Science Behind Olana's Art & Design

8-weeks | Registration closed 9/1/2024

9:30 AM-10:45 AM EDT on Tue

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Exploring the Science Behind Olana's Art & Design

8-weeks | Registration closed 9/1/2024

This course, offered by The Olana Partnership, is designed to explore the intersections between art, science, nature, and creation that are inherent at Olana, the home and masterwork of 19th century artist Frederic Church. By exploring Olana through the framework of art, science, and environmentalism, participants will get a glimpse into how contemporary scientific thinking inspired Church’s development of his family home and artistic creation, Olana. Through special virtual tours and lectures, talks by visiting historians, and artmaking exercises, this course will examine the vital role nature and ecology played in Church’s development as an artist and architect.


Each session of the course will include a virtual exploration of the historic house or landscape. In addition to the course instructor, guest visitors and art historians will provide additional insight into the life and artwork of Frederic Church.


Carolyn Keogh

Carolyn Keogh is the Director of Education and Public Programs at The Olana Partnership where she oversees public programs, art workshops, lectures and other offerings and events. Previously, she worked at the Guggenheim Museum, where she oversaw K-12 programs. Carolyn is passionate about making museums and cultural spaces welcoming and accessible places for diverse learners of all ages. Her research on empathy-building and art museum education was published in Theory and Practice in 2019. Carolyn received her BA from NYU in Art History and an MA in Art History with a focus on art museum education from City College.



Gala Leganof

Gala Leganof taught courses in political science at McGill University. She is a graduate of Marist College (B.A.) and McGill University (M.A.).