Peter Paul Rubens, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

From The Baroque to Romanticism, Human Narratives

8-weeks | Registration closed 9/1/2024

1:45 PM-3:00 PM EDT on Tue

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From The Baroque to Romanticism, Human Narratives

8-weeks | Registration closed 9/1/2024

Looking at a variety of European Paintings and Sculptures from 1600-1900, we will explore large narrative themes that artists tackled as they sought to understand and express the values and concerns of their time.

Suggested Readings: Links to short videos and readings will be provided each week before the class day to familiarize students with the
material to be covered.


John McGiff

John McGiff has been an educator for thirty years. After receiving an MFA from the University of Pennsylvania in 1989, he worked for seven years as an adjunct at Temple and Drexel Universities, teaching drawing, design and painting, and served one year as a full-time assistant professor of painting at Temple. He later became chair of the arts department at St. Andrew’s School, a preparatory boarding school in Delaware. In addition, he has run the Warner Gallery, taught AP art history, painting and drawing, and a senior seminar for twenty-two years.


Regina Klein