Gel Press Monoprinting Workshop (CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION)
All Adult Ed Classes | Available
Learn how to turn plain copy papers and card stocks into unique pattern and texture prints using a gel printing plate (a durable and reusable gelatin-like plate) and a brayer. Have fun exploring the creative process of combining different paint/ink media, stamps, stencils, botanical and found objects to create unique monoprints. Use your one-of-a kind prints to create greeting cards, gift tags, collages, etc...
01/08-03/26 6 -Wednesdays (01/08, 01/22, 02/12, 02/26, 03/12 & 3/26) No class 1/29.
12:00 - 2:30pm
FEE: $120
Malaga Cove -Building "E" Room 13
375 Via Almar
Palos Verdes Estates, 90274
Please call the office for a map to the campus, 310-541-7626 x66289 or send email,