1Tue-2A-5b: Contemporary Short Stories: Compare and Contrast
Class | Available (Membership Required)
A good short story can provide the basis for a great discussion, and we will discuss some of the best of the most current stories. Class members will read 10 stories that I choose, two per week, from the 20 included The Best American Short Stories of 2023. The stories have been chosen three times: by (1) Heidi Pitlor, the editor of the series, from hundreds available, (2) Min Jin Lee, guest editor for 2023, and (3) me. This “creme de la creme” of timely and innovative tales will hopefully prompt close reading and provide fuel for engaged and personal discussion. I will provide background for the selected authors. Class discussion will focus on my provided guided reading questions and the interests and questions of class participants. Preparation will probably take about two hours a week.
Books and Other Resources:
Min Jin Lee and Heidi Pitlor, eds. The Best American Short Stories of 2023. Mariner/HarperCollins 2023.
Bonnie Lass
After a career in teaching and editing educational materials, I now enjoy following my own passions. They include travel, reading, movies, antiquing, looking at and making art, word puzzling, and most of all, enjoying the company of friends, family, and fellow lifelong learners. I’ve led several short story classes at LLAIC, a literary memoir class, and two music classes — one on The Blues, the other on Bob Dylan. I also lead The Movie Lovers group at the Brookline Senior Center.